Function and Mission


Federation of commerce and Industry of Vietnam has the following functions:

1. Representative to promote and protect the legal rights, the worth of the business community in Vietnam in the relations of domestic and international;

2. To promote the development of the business community; promote and support trade, investment, scientific-technological cooperation, and other business activities of the business community in Vietnam and abroad; promote and help to build harmonious labor relations in enterprises.


Federation of commerce and Industry of Vietnam has the following duties:

1. Gather, research status and recommendations to The state Party and the problems of law, policy, strategy, economic development, socio – aimed at improving the business environment and build relationships harmonious labor; organizers of the forum, for phone, the exposure, make the connection to the business, making the bridge between the business community with the Party, The state and with the organizations concerned other in the country and abroad to exchange information, ideas, and propose solutions to handle problems, improve policies and legislation related to business, environment, business and labor relations.

2. To participate, on behalf of business community, in the process of drafting and promulgating legal and regulatory documents related to business, business activities, and labor relations in accordance with relevant laws.

3. Is the clue gather information, opinions of the business community, organizations, and participate in the consultation process with the union negotiations on economic, trade; engage with state agencies have jurisdiction in the process of negotiating, signing, accession, ratification, enforcement of international treaties relevant to economic, trade; support community enterprises in economic integration, international especially the problems related to enforcement of treaties about international trade that the republic socialist of Vietnam is a member; involved in organizing the business delegation accompanying the Party leader, state; organized the forum Vietnam business Council Vietnam business with enterprises and promotion activities to expand trade relations, international investment.

4. Perform the role of institutions represented in the Central of the dụnglao Vietnam active participation in the institutions tripartite labor relations, guide and support the construction and affiliated organization of employers in the sector level and local; in collaboration vớitổ representative workers and the agencies and units, useful to support business, the use of labor, construction labor relations harmonious stability and progress according to current regulations.

5. Conduct activities to protect the legitimate interests of the business community in the business relations domestic and international; consultation and participation support in solving problems, recommendations of the business community with the regulatory authorities in the trìnhkinh business and law enforcement.

6. To carry out communication activities, disseminate information, and provide consultancy on implementing relevant policies, laws, and regulations; to disseminate, provide, and support the business community with business, science, and technology information.

7. Advocacy organization, the business community, improve social responsibility, building ethics and business culture, environmental protection, and participation in social activities related to the activities of the Chamber of commerce and Industry of Vietnam in accordance with the provisions of the law.

8. To support the establishment of business associations, cooperate with them to build their capacity, and set up a network of business associations throughout the country.

9. Cooperation with the organization, unit, useful in water; cooperation tothe organization of the business community abroad, signing, implementation of the agreements of international cooperation, participate in international organizations in accordance with the provisions of the law.

10. To organize training in order to develop and foster human resources for enterprises and business associations; to improve corporate governance and business skills for entrepreneurs, heading towards the creation of a community of strong and dynamic entrepreneurs.

11. To carry out activities to develop and promote the reputation and brands of Vietnamese goods, services, the business community, and business environment.

12. Organize activities to support business development; business support, access resources development; support business development, business relationship and investment in and outside the country through measures such as connection and referral customers, provide information, guidance and advice for businesses, research institutions, market survey, seminar, conference, fair, exhibition, advertising and promotion activities trade and investment tưkhác in the country and abroad under the provisions of the law.

13. Research institutions, testing, deployment, and transfer of new business models to support business development, business associations; made the subject of study, investigation on competitiveness, labor, and other content nham enhance competitiveness and development triểndoanh industrial business association.

14. Chaired or co-organized implementation of activities to honor and reward enterprise and business units and individuals that have contributed to the development of the business community and the economy by law therefor.

15. Support registration and protection of intellectual property rights and technology transfer in Vietnam and abroad according to the regulations.

16. Certificate of origin for goods hóaxuất of Vietnam according to the quyềncủa state agency has jurisdiction; confirmed cases of force majeure and certified, to confirm the other necessary documents in commercial activities as requested voluntarily by the parties in the transaction, or as required, authorised by the authority, the competent organization in the country and abroad.

17. Support the business in the country and abroad resolve any disputes through negotiation, mediation or arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the law.

18. To carry out other missions assigned or mandated by competent authorities.

Bà Bùi Thị Ninh

Phó Giám đốc VCCI-HCM

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